The Bahamas Lay Organization Officers:

President Val Evans

Greetings and welcome to the official website of the Bahamas Lay Organization of The African Methodist Episcopal Church. I am honored to serve as your conference president. I stand on the mantra “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters.”Colossians 3:23. The African Methodist Church has a rich history and we are proud to be apart of that Zion. I aspire to continue to blaze new paths and to take the Lay Organization to new heights with the help of The Almighty God.


Esther Ferguson

1st Vice President

Cyprianna Wells

2nd Vice President

Patricia Wallace

3rd Vice President

Vilda Chipman

Recording Secretary

D’Andrea Mackey

Asst Secretary

Laura Taylor

Corresponding Secretary

Sean Swain

Financial Secretary

Chineyre Culmer


Lynette Bridgewater

Worship Leader

David Wallace


Weslit Theophile


Brian Brown

Director Of Lay Activities

Barbara Murphy

Director Of Public Relations

Myesha McPhee

Young Adult Representative

Knashe’ Charlton

Director of Personel & Procedures

Jessica Cartwright

Director Of Programs & Procedure

Vandisa Charlton-Albury

Director of Organization & Structure

Viviann Williamson
